This week has been the catch-up week following an eleven-day vacation along the California coast and up into the north coast redwood forests. There’s been lots of work, and lots of chores, but I’m not letting go of my good vibes from that time off. So while I’ve been busy, I’ve also been mindful of life’s bigger picture. Being up-tight is my choice, and I’m choosing not to do that. A friend was recently talking about getting a “contact high” from being around folks who were behaving…humm…recklessly. I keep thinking about that conversation and how easily I can pick up an anxiety contact high. I suppose it’s actually a contact low. I’m watching out for that phenomenon and avoiding it. I seem to be as vulnerable to fear, pessimism, dread, or sorrow as I am to a common cold. I realize that I must take steps to defend myself against such afflictions where I can. One of the tricks I use is to wash my hands up to my elbows after I’ve come in contact with another person’s troubles. I envision their stories washing off of me and going down the drain. That way I’m able to listen empathically without burdening myself with borrowed stress. My life is good. I have food, a safe home, good health, a loving husband, and good, loving friends. Beyond that, it’s up to me what I pick up and what I leave behind. If I can remember all of that, then my day is golden.
This week we had a couple of days with the first serious rains of fall. The sun is out now, and everything is sparkling and bright. Birds outside my window are chirping enthusiastically. I’m going out for a hike this afternoon to enjoy all of this loveliness that mother nature provides.
Happy October everybody. Have a great week, and I’ll post again next Friday.
Contact High
Contact High