Shout-Outs | ||||
Here are a few links to resources that were vital to my writing:
Pearls My Mother Wore has made it into publication, in large measure, because of the encouragement, experience and wisdom of Cary Tennis. One visit to his advice column will explain why he has earned my deepest respect. Cary Tennis-Since You Asked at Salon.com If you’re a writer and would like guidance and community, check-outAnd what luck! Cary is married to Norma! She designed the layout of Pearls My Mother Wore and made the process a breeze.
Along the way: http://www.bookpassage.com A veritable treasure for readers and writers alike http://www.readersbooks.com The home team http://www.patschneider.com A true champion for the written word http://www.lesliekeenan.com Her class, Is There A Book In You? gave me writing strategies that worked. |
Pearls My Mother Wore © 2009-All rights reserved |