New, Scary, Fun

So far, the Facebook venture is going O.K.  I’ve been pleased to discover that I feel very friendly toward my facebook friends.  I guess that makes sense because they’re people I already know.  I haven’t gone to the next level of “friending” friends.  Just now I’m hooking up with people I haven’t seen in years but who are still very much in my heart.  Many of my connections are with people I used to work with in Berkeley, CA.  One woman is my hairdressing pal, Sally, from New Zealand.  It’s terrific finding this way of getting current with folks.  As of right now, I have twenty-eight Facebook friends.

Learning the ropes with Facebook has been beyond time consuming.  To stay on top of Facebook, I have swapped out my very basic cell-phone for a Blackberry.  What this means is that almost every waking hour, when I’m not at work doing hair, I’m peering at one screen or another.  When I burned the corn the other night, Lutrell asked why my Blackberry hadn’t warned me.  Ha, Ha, Ha.

I’m looking forward to figuring out these new communication tools and settling down and settling in.  It’s so lovely to be here on the blog.  This blog really feels like home to me.  I’m sure Facebook and my Blackberry will become equally comforting, but this week we’re all still on company manners.

I’ve decided to start something I’m calling

“Pearlescence:  a shimmering quote for today…” on my Facebook Fan Page.  The Fan Page is for Facebook people who are fans of Pearls My Mother Wore, people who wish to follow its activities and news on a regular basis.  This is today’s Pearlescence:

“Politeness is the art of choosing among one’s real thoughts.”  By Abel Stevens

When I say, “company manners,” you can assume I’m being polite. ;0

I’ll look forward to posting here again next Friday.  Have a great week!

One Response to “New, Scary, Fun”

  1. Rita says:

    Terry – I am still resisting Facebook, so it is of great interest to me how that is going for you. Once I get my blog going, I know I will have to break down and do it, what I also rue the tie it will take.

    Last week I watched an autistic young man giving a speech at his graduation (on Yahoo News). He was valedictorian. If I remember correctly, he did not speak until he was five. His parents persisted in educating him against the bleak odds given by the doctors. He was accepted to every college to which he applied.

    I wish that I could remember the name of the productivity blogger who pursued a singing career for 15 years, in spite of being told that he could not sing well. He did eventually master singing, though he is doing mentoring bloggers now.

    These stories made me think about you, and your dogged desire to read and write.

    This has hung on my wall for years:


    Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.
    Talent will not.
    Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
    Genius will not.
    Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
    Education will not.
    The world is full of educated derelicts.
    The slogan “Press On” has solved and always will solve
    the problems of the human race.

    You are inspiration for the rest of us.

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